食言[shí yán]
词典go back on one's word:食言,违背诺言;变卦;失信于人;不认账。
词典break one's promise:食言,不守诺言;违约;自食其言;破约。
词典break one's word:食言;不守信用。
食言[shí yán]
go back on one's word; break one's promise:
例:如果他答应帮忙, 他就不会食言。
If he promised to help, he will not go back on his promise.
他答应把书留给我之后, 却食言而把它卖给了别人。
After promising to keep the book for me, he broke his word and sold it to someone else.
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. renege:若无契约法,人们在生产的过程中的机会主义行为,如食言(renege)、敲竹杠等问题,将会降低生产的效率. 因而我们可以说一部好的契约法是一部很好地解决了人们在签订契约过程中出现的外部性问题的法律. 若生产者创造的财富可以被其他的人或集团任意的剥夺和勒索,
2. back out:back on one's feet 经受打击后重新站起来 | back out 食言 | backseat driver 指手划脚的人
3. eat his words:eat crow 由于夸大其词或过分自信,最后不得不承认错误. | eat his words 食言 | out at elbows 捉襟见肘
4. 食言
4. go back on one's word:事难两全 You cannot eat your cake and have it | 食言 go back on one's word | 水底捞月 fish in the air