

馋虫 双语例句

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1. 你有口福了,想要吃这道菜并不需要大老远到伦敦去,现在位于八打零再也的聚方楼可以满足你肚里的馋虫
    You do not need to go travel so far to London to try out this gorgeous dish.

2. 既然在这个忙碌的社会,不可能有太多像加菲猫一样的馋虫和懒虫存在,我们也就可以想象,大多数崇拜和迷恋他的人,都是希望从他身上获得互补。
    Since in this busy society, can not have too much the same as Garfield and Chan Chong Lanchong exist, we would imagine, the majority of worship and fascination with his people, we hope from him was complementary.

3. 冇没冇被人家说过伱昰个尐馋虫呢?
    There are not people say you are a small Chan Chong?

4. 馋虫是什么意思

4. 是以馋虫大动﹐食欲遂生﹔欲不烹汝﹐莫可自禁。
    When you are well cooked, please come into my stomach.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 我还以为你馋虫又上来了。
    I thought maybe you'd hadanother sweet-tooth attack.