



词典provoke with abuses骂阵。

词典shout abuses in the street骂阵;骂街。

骂阵 双语例句

1. 歌利亚是一个目中无人的巨人(4节),他似乎战无不胜,且连续六个星期向以色列骂阵,极尽污衊、挑釁之能事。
    Goliath was certainly a giant (v.4) and full of defiance. He seemed almost unbeatable. For six long weeks he defied the Israelites.

2. 骂阵的反义词

2. 这未受割礼的非利士人是谁呢、竟敢向永生神的军队骂阵麼。
    Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 那非利士人又说,我今日向以色列人的军队骂阵。你们叫一个人出来,与我战斗。
    And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together.

4. 他上来是要向以色列人骂阵
    He comes out to defy Israel.

5. 骂阵在线翻译

5. 这人向以色列人骂阵,大卫的哥哥示米亚的儿子约拿单就杀了他。
    And when he was purposing to put shame on israel, jonathan, the son of shimei, david's brother, put him to death.

6. 骂阵在线翻译

6. 巨人歌利亚早晚出来骂阵,接连近6个星期(16节),实在令人难以想像。
    It seems incredible that the giant Goliath repeated his challenge morning and evening for almost six weeks (v.16).