

骈赋 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 相对而言,骈赋与律赋较少内序,唐宋新文赋中的主客问答又比汉文赋灵活多变而自然亲切。
    Generally speaking, Pian Fu and Lu Fu have less internal prefaces, Tang and Song new Wen Fu`s interlocution are more flexible and cordial.

2. 梁代处於魏晋南北朝的末期,在这一时期,骈赋已经成为赋作的主流创作形式,但是散体赋、诗体赋、骚体赋并没有因为骈赋的兴盛而退出历史舞台,相反在实际创作中这几类赋互相影响,形成你中有我,我中有你的局面。
    Liang Dynasty is at the last stage of Wei Jin, the southern and Northern Dynasty. At that time, paraller-style Fu had becoming the main stream of all the Fus. But Prosaic Fu, Sao type Fu and Poetic prose Fu are still existing. On the contrary, they influenced by each other and formed an alternative situation.

3. 宋玉《对楚王问》作为对问体的唯一代表,从问对内容上确立了文体范式,是北方文化与楚文化的结晶,成为骈赋尤其是设论体的直接渊薮。
    Song Yu's Dui Chu Wang Wen, a representative of the dialog style, set a stylistic model for the contents of a dialog, crystallizing the Northern culture and the Chu State culture and serving as a direct source for the " Bing Fu " style.

4. 骈赋创作上,受到自身推出的复古思潮影响,亦重视文采的修饰,写出了一定量有实际内容的骈赋
    Ping Fu creation, introduction of the retro trend by its own effect, the modification of their attention to literary talent, writing a certain amount of actual content of the Ping Fu.

5. 宋玉《对楚王问》作为对问体的唯一代表,从问对内容上确立了文体范式,是北方文化与楚文化的结晶,成为骈赋尤其是设论体的直接渊薮。
    Song Yu's Dui Chu Wang Wen, a representative of the dialog style, set a stylistic model for the contents of a dialog, crystallizing the Northern culture and the Chu State culture and serving as a direct source for the " Bing Fu " style.