

高唱入云[gāo chàng rù yún]

词典sing with a resounding voice高唱入云;高歌。

词典the clouds with songs piercing高唱入云。

词典sing loud and clear高唱入云。

高唱入云 汉英大词典

高唱入云[gāo chàng rù yún]


sing with a resounding voice; the clouds with songs piercing; sing loud and clear

高唱入云 双语例句

1. 现今美元高涨,又要开车个多小时,在汽油高企、环保意识高唱入云的时候,总有些籍口不去。
    Today's higher exchange rate and gasoline price, more than an hour long driving and awareness of energy saving are the excuses to stop cross-border shopping.