

高嗓门[gāo sǎng mén]


高嗓门 汉英大词典

高嗓门[gāo sǎng mén]


高嗓门 双语例句

1. 而面对好友,再好面子如妈妈我也给她争不到这个气了,任她在外多长袖善舞,回家到我这里还是一筹莫展,她的动粗、高嗓门似乎都因我而起、拜我所赐。
    When after your bath, with wet hair spread on your shoulders, you walked through the shadow of the champac tree to the little court where you say your prayers, you would notice the scent of the flower, but not know that it came from me.

2. 而现在,我感觉置身在许多高嗓门、不知羞耻的爱尔兰天主教徒之中而无法逃避,我惟一能做的就是将他们全都写下来。
    As it is now, I feel stuck in the midst of a lot of loud, brassy Irish Catholics, and the only way I can maybe write about them all.

3. 高嗓门是什么意思

3. 风笛、横笛、鼓、高嗓门总要先行一步。
    The bagpipes, the fife and drums, the raised voices, always went first.

4. 头发从不梳光,裙子歪系着,两手通红,高嗓门说话,大盆水洗地板。
    With frowsy hair, skirts askew, and red hands, she talked loud while washing the floor with great swishes of water.

5. 我离开房间,他们说话的嗓门越来越高。
    I fetched the rum and they told me to go away.

6. 高嗓门的翻译

6. 不,你在吊高嗓门了!
    No, you're raising your voice!

7. 她的嗓门越来越高,好像超过了耳朵的承受能力。
    Her voice kept rising, as if working its way out of the range of the human ear.

8. 高嗓门的反义词

8. 忽然,一个新来者引起了我们的注意,这主要是因为他的嗓门特别高。
    We had become part of a large crowd which moved from speaker to speaker to hear what each one had to say.

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9. 忽然,一个新来者引起了我们的注意,这主要是因为他的嗓门特别高。
    Now the newcomer attracted our attention, mainly because of the extreme loudness of his; voice.

10. 他是一个嗓门高、脾气躁的家伙,与大多数周末我在家乡纽约州新罗谢尔(NewRochelle)的运动场边看到的很多父亲没什么区别。
    He was a loud, boisterous guy, not unlike many of the fathers I see alongside fields most weekends in my hometown of New Rochelle, N. Y.