高山景行[gāo shān jǐng xíng]
词典look up to a worthy man:高山景行。
词典as one looks up to a mountain -- admire the behavior of a worthy man
词典showing great admiration [respect] for somebody
高山景行[gāo shān jǐng xíng]
(比喻道德崇高、行为光明正大, 指崇高的德行) look up to a worthy man; as one looks up to a mountain -- admire the behavior of a worthy man; showing great admiration [respect] for somebody
1. 急!!请高手帮我翻译一篇文章谢了!!!!爱因斯坦是二十世纪最伟大的科学家和思想家,他以相对论和量子力学这两个具有划时代意义的科学贡献奠定了现代物理学的理论基础,全面更新了人类对时间和空间,物质和能量的看法;其科学思想和哲学思想丰富了人类的思想宝库,他的人道与正义,怀疑与批评的进取精神以及高山景行的人格,为学界树立了良好的道德风范。
Einstein was the greatest scientist and thinker of twentieth century, his theory of relativity and quantum mechanics are two landmark contribution that have laid the theoretical foundation to the modern physics, and completely changed the human view of time and space and of matter and energy; His scientific and philosophic thinking enriched human thought; his justice and humanity, his enterprising spirit through doubts and criticisms, and is true and good moral demeanor serve as an example for the entire scientific community.
2. 高山仰止,景行行止:太史公引以喻孔子伟大人格。
Gaoshanyangzhi, Kageyuki Hang-chi: Tai Shi hectometer Yiyu Confucius great personality.
3. 像我这种典型的伪音乐爱好者,也只能高山仰止,景行行止了。。。。
Note: Papier is right now teacher of Nanjing Institute of Art.