

高帽子[gāo mào zi ]


词典tall paper hat高帽子。


词典an empty title or honour

高帽子 汉英大词典

高帽子[gāo mào zi]


(纸帽) tall paper hat (worn as a sign of humiliation)

高帽子 网络解释

1. busby:busboy 餐馆工 | busby 高帽子 | buses 公共汽车

2. Tall Hat:238 痴人说梦Idiotic Nonsense | 240高帽子Tall Hat | <<嘻谈录>>Ripples of Mirth

3. dude hat:高利贷者/loan shark | 高帽子/dude hat | 高年级/upper class

4. 高帽子的近义词

4. gaobmaozzi:gaobfenzim huahewucwuz 高分子化合物 | gaobmaozzi 高帽子 | gaobxueyaz 高血压

高帽子 双语例句

1. 高帽子的解释

1. 带着高帽子,穿着燕尾服的那张照片是在我兄弟的婚礼上拍的,是的,穿着礼服的那个人就是我,那是一个化装舞会,我和我的一个朋友打扮成女人去参加了舞会,哈哈。
    The one in the top hat and tails is one of my brothers wedding.

2. Temposhark 是一个英国人电子的摇滚乐团,形成在歌手的伦敦和音乐创作人罗勃特 Diament 和生产者路加毛皮制高帽子
    Temposhark are an English electronic rock band, formed in London by singer and songwriter Robert Diament and producer Luke Busby.

3. 高帽子在线翻译

3. 他头戴饰有星徽的高帽子,身穿红、白、蓝三色的燕尾服和条纹长裤。
    He wore decorated with stars emblem of flattery, wearing a red, white and blue stripes of the tailcoat and trousers U. S.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 一开始泰沙拿高帽子作实验,后来他拿什麼?
    At the beginning, Telsa used a top hat to do experiment. Then what did he use?

5. 高帽子

5. 选择任意大小和文书等;塔姆伯林,军鼓,中邦戈,低邦戈,高邦戈,沙克尔,编钟,钟,牛铃,高帽子,卡洪大鼓,锣和崩溃。
    Choose between any number of sizes and instruments like; Tamborine, Snare Drum, Medium Bongo, Low Bongo, High Bongo, Shaker, Chimes, Bell, Cow Bell, High Hat, Cajon Bass Drum, and Cymbal Crash.

6. 高帽子的近义词

6. 这顶高帽子会使他们听了很舒服。
    This butters them up and makes them feel good.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 我带着一顶纸做的高帽子,还带着一个纸做的长鼻子,在中国人民解放军面前发抖。
    I was supposed to shake in fear of the People`s Liberation Army.

8. 一顶黑色的高帽子、一条红色的裤子和一件浆洗得雪白的围裙。
    A tall black hat, a scarlet skirt and a starched white apron.

9. 他从外边回来,头上戴着一顶高帽子
    He came back from outside, with a tall hat on his head.

10. 高帽子的意思

10. 他戴着一顶高帽子,拿着一把伞。
    He is wearing a tall hat and carries an umbrella.

11. 李。爱德华:学校的教授和老师们被戴上高帽子受辱被斗。
      EDWARDS: Professors, teachers sat in the corner with the dunce cap on them.

12. 高帽子

12. 她头上戴着一顶高帽子
      She wore a tall hat on her head.

13. 高帽子

13. 当他俩的目光相遇时,他摘下头上那顶高帽子,将手放在胸前有皱褶的洁白衬衫上,深深鞠了一躬。
      His tall hat was off in a deep bow when her eyes met his and his hand went to the bosom of a spotless pleated shirt.

14. 看见他戴那顶俗不可耐的高帽子我都快笑出声了。
      I nearly burst out laughing when I saw him in that cheesy top hat.

15. 他们用绳子捆绑了劣绅,给他戴上高帽子,牵着游乡(湘潭、湘乡叫游团,醴陵叫游垅)。
      They tether the evil gentry with ropes, crown them with tall paper-hats and parade them through the villages.

16. 梁武帝这个人,什么都要第一的,所以一见达摩祖师,也不求法,尽想要达摩祖师来赞叹他一下,来给他戴几顶高帽子
      As long as you were a left home person, the emperor would make offerings to you, pay reverence to you, and bow to you.

17. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

17. 是不是厨师长戴了高帽子,餐厅的食物味道就会更好?
      Does a chef's hat make the resultant food taste better?

18. 高帽子由他戴去好了,林肯。
      Linc, just let him wear his crown.

19. 第二是红衣主教这两顶高帽子也可以卖不少钱。
      And then he had the two hats to sell besides.

20. 这顶高帽子会使他们听了很舒服。他从外边回来,头上戴着一顶高帽子
      This butters them up and makes them feel good. He came back from outside, with a tall hat on his head.