

鬈毛[quán máo]


鬈毛 汉英大词典

鬈毛[quán máo]


鬈毛 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 他趿拉着洗澡穿的拖鞋,腋下夹着两部该死的大书。他老婆-一个倒楣可怜的女人-像鬈毛狗那样迈着碎步,紧赶慢赶地跟在后面。
    And begob what was it only that bloody old pantaloon denis breen in his bath slippers with two bloody big books tucked under his oxter and the wife hotfoot after him, unfortunate wretched woman trotting like a poodle

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 好家伙,原来是那个该死的老丑角丹尼斯。布林。他趿拉着洗澡穿的拖鞋,腋下夹着两部该死的大书。他老婆--一个倒楣可怜的女人--像鬈毛狗那样迈着碎步,紧赶慢赶地跟在后面。
    And begob what was it only that bloody old pantaloon Denis Breen in his bathslippers with two bloody big books tucked under his oxter and the wife hotfoot after him, unfortunate wretched woman, trotting like a poodle.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 有个小姑娘,她的额头正中有一缕小鬈毛
    There was a little girl, and she had a little curl

4. 鬈毛的解释

4. 那是我有生以来最成功的表演:中国英雄救出了一条祖籍可能就在中国的鬈毛小狗。
    It was the best performance that I had ever accomplished: a Chinese hero rescuing a poodle, possibly originating from China.

5. 鬈毛在为妹妹嘉嘉债项奔波期间遇上劫匪,幸而得到从孤儿院出走的彬彬相助而脱险。
    However, Bunny is found by the orphanage and is forced to go back.

6. 小王子来的时候带来了一个笼子,国王打开笼子,从里面跳出来的是一只毛光皮亮的鬈毛狗,脖子上束着饰带,浑身散发着香气,不仅会抬起前爪直立起来,还能练武术,懂得数数。
    The youngest son came in with a small box. The king opened it and out jumped a tiny, beribboned poodle, impeccably groomed and perfumed, that stood on its hind legs and marched and counted.

7. 鬈毛的反义词

7. 他看见了水在自己那拧檬色的躯体和四肢上面起着涟漪,并托住他,浮力轻轻地把他往上推;看见了状似肉蕾般的肚脐眼;也看见了自己那撮蓬乱的黑色鬈毛在漂浮;那撮毛围绕着千百万个娃娃的软塌塌的父亲——一朵凋萎的漂浮着的花。
    He saw his trunk and limbs riprippled over and sustained, buoyed lightly upward, lemonyellow: his navel, bud of flesh: and saw the dark tangled curls of his bush floating, floating hair of the stream around the limp father of thousands, a languid floating flower.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 鬈毛与彬彬因此成为好友,及后彬彬被带返孤儿院,鬈毛不敌思念而假扮其好友到孤儿院探望彬彬,最后更为帮助彬彬被警察杀死。
    Missing Bunny so much, John disguises as Bunny's another good friend and visits him in the orphanage and finally gets killed by the police in order to help Bunny.