1. 于1994年出版的同名小说《海滩》围绕着一帮形形色色的西方青年人展开,使人置身于魅人迷离的异国背景和时代精神中(在90年代盛兴的生态旅游上大做文章),and a high-concept narrative。
First published in 1994, The Beach boasted a roster of young, western characters, a glamorous foreign backdrop, a zeitgeisty flavour (tapping into the 90s rise in eco-tourism) and a high-concept narrative.
2. 而你那有小麻点的情人的眼神,则是一个消灭一切可能的概率的魅人现实。
But the eyes of your pockmarked mistress are a wonderful reality which makes nonsense of all possible probabilities.
3. 谢谢你这非常魅人的邀请可人儿
Thank you for a very charming entree, my dear.
4. 魅人的意思
4. 罗斯福向他转过脸来,露出惊喜、魅人的微笑。
Roosevelt turned back to him with a surprised and charming smile.
5. 他看过了这一眼之后,就庄严地向前走去了,可是她那魅人的体态,已经印在他脑海里跟着他一起走了。
Without another look he went dignifiedly upon his way, but the impression of her charming personality went with him.
6. 老虎纹身--这些动物的不同含意动物纹身图案早已举行的魅人可选择取得刺青。
Tiger tattoos -- the varied meanings behind these animals - Animal tattoo designs have long held the fascination of people who choose to get tattoos.
7. 魅人的反义词
7. OSCOW二十余年的澳宝首饰行业经验,保证了其每件澳宝饰品工艺精纯,彰显宝石魅人风采。
Oscow`s more than 20 years of experience in the opal jewellery industry guarantees that each and every Toscow opal product is skilfully and artistically crafted to reveal the best colours of the stones.
8. 魅人
8. 至情的美丽魅人的艺术&《我的父亲母亲》创作风格简论
On the Style of the Film My Father and Mother