

鲁莽从事[lǔ mǎng cóng shì]


词典fly off the handle翘辫子;死;激动;<美口>冒火。


词典act impulsively [carelessly]

词典act without thought鲁莽从事。

词典undertake roughly鲁莽从事。

鲁莽从事 汉英大词典

鲁莽从事[lǔ mǎng cóng shì]

fly off the handle; act impulsively [carelessly]; act without thought; undertake roughly; take a rash action; act rashly

鲁莽从事 网络解释

1. go it blind:go blind 失明 | go it blind 盲目乱搞; 鲁莽从事, 蛮干; 碰运气 | go on a blind [俚]喝闹酒, 狂饮狂闹一番

2. 鲁莽从事的翻译

2. go overboard:435.go through hell or high water 赴汤蹈火 | 436.go overboard 鲁莽从事 | 437.go out of one's way 不辞辛劳

鲁莽从事 双语例句

1. 鲁莽从事的反义词

1. 一个人的行动应当是出于深思熟虑,不是鲁莽从事
    One's action ought to come out of an achieved

2. 他总不鲁莽从事,从来不会无缘无故地说一句严厉的话,也从来不使敏感的人受无谓的伤痛。
    He was never rude, never needlessly spoke a severe word, never gave needless pain to a sensitive soul.

3. 鲁莽从事

3. 需要勇气。当然,勇敢,并不是指轻率的鲁莽从事,勇敢意味着在你经过反复斟酌后决定承担一些你力所不及的事情。
    Of course, brave, does not mean recklessly engaged in reckless, brave means that you repeated discretion after you decided to take some of the things that fall.

4. 鲁莽从事

4. 这么受雇鲁莽从事造成了一次大爆炸,炸毁了一台机器。
    The employee had recklessly caemploy a huge explosion those disintegrated one of the machines in the factory.

5. 鲁莽从事的解释

5. 瞎搞,乱干,鲁莽从事
    Ride blind.

6. 愚者鲁莽从事,智者深谋远虑。
    A fool acts recklessly while a wit has a foresight.