1. CETACEA:大脑和视觉发达,多为食果动物或杂食性动物 食肉目(Carnivora) 虎、狼、狐、黑熊、大熊猫、狮子、紫貂、獾、水獭、黄鼠狼、猞猁 犬齿发达,臼齿退化,有锐利而弯曲的爪,通常为食肉动物,也有杂食动物 鲸目(Cetacea) 海豚、鲸 水栖鱼形,
2. Order CETACEA:在IUCN红皮书中约79种鲸类确定,但仍有许多不确定与争议鲸类分类系统: 鲸目动物在分类上属於哺乳纲(class Mammalia)、兽亚纲(Subclass Theria)、真兽下纲(Infraclass Eutheria)、鲸目(order Cetacea),依据型态、比较解剖及化石证据,
3. Dolphins, porpoises, whales:Viverricula indica 麝香貓 | CETACEA 鯨目 Dolphins, porpoises, whales | CETACEA spp. 鯨目所有種
1. 在以前的分类作为哺乳动物中有指甲或爪的一个主要分支;区别于有蹄目动物和鲸目动物。
In former classifications a major division of Mammalia comprising mammals with nails or claws; distinguished from hoofed mammals and''.
2. 鲸目动物鲸目动物中的一种水生动物,主要是海生哺乳动物,包括鲸、海豚和鼠海豚,特征为身体几乎无毛、前肢变成宽大的鳍、后肢退化及尾扁平而分叉
Any of various aquatic, chiefly marine mammals of the order Cetacea, including the whales, dolphins
3. 鲸一种鲸目海生哺乳动物,具有鱼的外形,前肢变异以形成鳍肢,其尾巴带有水平尾片,有一或两个鼻孔以供呼吸,尤其指与小型海豚相区分的体型巨大的一类
Any of various marine mammals of the order Cetacea, having the general shape of a fish with forelimbs modified to form flippers, a tail with horizontal flukes, and one or two blowholes for breathing, especially one of the very large species as distinguished from the smaller dolphins and porpoises.
4. 鲸目动物如露脊鲸的脂肪层可厚达50公分。
Cetacean (e. g., right whale) blubber can be over 50 cm thick.
5. 在以前的分类作为哺乳动物中有指甲或爪的一个主要分支;区别于有蹄目动物和鲸目动物。
In former classifications a major division of Mammalia comprising mammals with nails or claws; distinguished from hoofed mammals and cetaceans.
6. 不同的鲸目动物视觉发展得也不同。
The sense of vision is developed to different degrees in different species.
7. 鲸是一腔被称作鲸目动物的一部分。
Whales are part of a family of animals called `cetaceans`.
8. 这种变异无疑可以通过鲸目动物的生长环境来解释。
Such variation can no doubt be explained with reference to the habitats in which individual species have developed.
9. 鲸目什么意思
9. 鲸目动物的属于,关于或隶属于鲸目动物的
Of, relating to, or belonging to the order Cetacea.
10. 鲸目
10. 毕竟,一些人猜测,鲸目动物(物种,其中包括海豚和鲸鱼)非常聪明。
After all, some people speculate that cetaceans (the species that includes dolphins and whales) are extremely intelligent.
11. 鲸目的意思
11. 其它鲸目类的情形则没有这么乐观。
But other cetaceans haven`t fared so well.
12. 鲸一种鲸目海生哺乳动物,具有鱼的外形,前肢变异以形成鳍肢,其尾巴带有水平尾片,有一或两个鼻孔以供呼吸,尤其指与小型海豚相区分的体型巨大的一类
Any of various marine mammals of the order Cetacea, having the general shape of a fish with
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13. 属于、关于鲸及海豚等鲸目动物。
Of or relating to whales and dolphins etc.
14. 鲸目动物如露脊鲸的脂肪层可厚达50公分。
Cetacean (e.g., right whale) blubber can be over 50 cm thick.