

鳝丝 双语例句

1. 鳝丝的意思

1. 我的初吻被那个鳝丝女所得到,而现在,奉贤硬盘小骚的初吻,可能就会被我夺走,我几乎有点变态了。
    My first kiss was given to the fisher`s daught, but now, the fengxian yp xs`s first kiss maybe will be taken by me.

2. 主要经营上海本帮特色菜,有响爆鳝丝、酱爆猪肝、糖藕、铁板牛肉,鳗鲞等等,饮品有饮料和酸奶。
    Shanghai to help operate the main characteristics of this dish, a ring for unexploded Shansi, Jiangbao liver, sugar lotus roots, monolithic beef, eel Xiang, and so on, have drinks and yogurt drinks.

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3. 京东菜多种风味兼顾,在历次大型接待中以及广大来宾的口碑中,上汤干贝球,蒜苗炒虾腰,迷你扣肉,宁式鳝丝,明炉鲈鱼等美味佳肴,尤被推宠。
    Take into account a variety of flavor dishes Jingdong, in the previous large-scale reception, as well as the reputation of the majority of the guests, the ball soup and scallops, fried shrimpsuan miao waist, mini-Rou, Ning-style si, Ming furnace delicacies such as sea bass, in particular pushed pet.

4. 鳝丝

4. 干扁鳝丝
    C52. Dry Sauteed Shredded Eel $13.95