




词典of scaly appearance,as ripples

鳞鳞 双语例句

1. 夏日午后,搬一张竹床,在柳阴下小憩,听蝉高一声低一声吟唱,看鳞鳞波光映射在榆柳荫下的屋墙上,闪闪烁烁的。
    Summer afternoon, moving a bamboo bed, in the Liu Yin under the rest and listen to the cicadas are singing soon as soon as the low, watching waves Linlin Yu liuyin mapping in the wall under the house, sparkling Shuoshuo's.

2. 融化的小河依旧流淌着悠闲,冰冷的河水在清晨里泛着鳞鳞波光。
    The river is still flowing melt relaxed, cold water in the morning in glowing waves Linlin.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 升起的太阳,照射着水,水波鳞鳞,闪烁着金黄色的波光。
    The rising sun, reflecting off the water, turns some of the terraces bright shades of orange and gold.

4. 鳞鳞

4. 几簇村屋,形式大体一样,屋瓦鳞鳞可数。
    Several clusters of village houses, the general form of the same few鳞鳞tiles.

5. 耳边是轻悦的江南丝竹或轻歌曼舞,精致得让你无从下口,只好移目窗外。那儿是桨声灯影里的秦淮河,泛着鳞鳞的波光……有人说,夫子庙的小吃,吃的其实是文化,是历史深处渗出的爿爿记忆。
    Side side is the Changjiang Delta traditional stringed and woodwind instrument of light Yue or sing merrily and dance gracefully, so delicate that allow the opening below your have no way, be forced to move outside eye window.

6. 但曾几何时,随着土法大炼钢铁的滥砍乱伐,以及后来的大搞山地开发运动,使得山也秃了,水也瘦了,再加上县河上游纸厂和化工厂的建设,使一条浩浩荡荡,碧波鳞鳞的河流变得仅剩细细的一痕,且臭气熏天,鱼虾绝迹。
    But attack with the fact that indigenous method tempers iron and steel hackneyed with fire greatly chopping chaos before long, develop motion as well as big in the afterwards is engaged in fields on a hill, the mountain has been also bald will do, water has been also thin, the paper factory and the chemical plant construction, make a bar vast and mighty plus county river upper reaches, bluish waves scale-like river of scale become only, one remnant thin trace, reeks to the skies at present, fish and shrimp vanishes.

7. 每到旅游旺季,游客们从四面八方云集此地,或游览婉媚迷人的风光,参观自然神奇的景点;或置身于波光鳞鳞的海水中、迎着海风,畅游嬉戏;或登上老虎石,观潮起潮落,卷起千堆雪的壮观景象;或仰卧于海岸沙滩之上,尽情享受阳光、沙滩给予人们的恩赐,其乐无穷。
    Every tourist season, tourists are gathered from all directions here, or visit the Yuen Mei, charming scenery, visit the scenic spots of natural magic; or exposure to water in the waves Linlin, facing the wind, surf play; or boarded tiger stone, outlook rise and fall, roll up the spectacular snow scene 1000; or sit on the beach on the coast and enjoy the sun, sand to give people the gift of a great sport.

8. 鳞鳞什么意思

8. 我们希望看见一条干净的波光鳞鳞的河。
    We want to see the river sparkling clean.

9. 鳞鳞

9. 他最后仰面朝天地躺在了桌子上,头仍浸在盛满波光鳞鳞气流的罐子里。
    Sprawled on his back on the table, with his head lying inside the jar full of glittering wind.

10. 鳞鳞的翻译

10. 那个从波光鳞鳞海洋表面开始并一直向下的夏威夷。
    The one that starts at the sparkling surface of the ocean and goes down.

11. 他们正在努力保护那些参天入云的大树,波光鳞鳞的湖水和白雪盖顶的山峦,以保证它们总能在那里欢迎你。
      They work hard to be sure that tall tree, glimmering waters, snow-capped mountains and fresh air are there to welcome you.

12. 泉水,却,一如既往地流淌着,在阳光下波光鳞鳞
      The water, however, continued to gush and sparkle into the sunbeams as cheerfully as ever.

13. 鳞鳞

13. 晴空万里,在和煦明朗的阳光的抚慰下,碧蓝的海水波光鳞鳞
      The clear blue sea reflects the sunshine with silver glittery on the surface when the day is fine.

14. 鳞鳞在线翻译

14. 湖上金光鳞鳞
      The lake glistens with ripples.