

Phoenix Phoenix;
鸾凰 双语例句

1. 鸾凰的反义词

1. 比如:在屈原诗《离骚》里,鲜花、芳草、鸾凰用于象征高尚、纯洁的道德行为,而以枯萎的萧艾喻指堕落,诗人的道德观念和完美的人格则通过佩戴鲜花与芳草来象征;在孟郊诗《游子吟》里,把小草比作孩子,温暖的阳光比作母爱。
    We will also find that many symbols and metaphors are apparent in ancient Chinese poetry; for example, in Liso by Qu Yuan, fresh flowers, vanilla, and birds are used to symbolize lofty, pure, and moral conduct, while the withered moxa indicates moral turpitude.