

Ji Hong;
鸿绩 双语例句

1. 目前伟绩公司主要从事MP3、DVD/VCD、电话机、电子词典、PCB半成品、电源适配器等产品的设计、加工及制造业务。2003年,随着手机、数码相机、MP3等数码类产品的市场需求急剧上升,公司斥巨资引进更高精度的先进生产设备,并于2004年9月建立了新工厂:鸿绩
    Currently Weiji company primarily engaged in MP3, DVD/VCD, telephone, electronic dictionaries, PCB semi-finished products, power adapters, such as product design, processing and manufacturing operations. 2003, with mobile phones, digital cameras, MP3 and other digital products of the sharp rise in market demand, the company Chi Juzi the introduction of more high-precision advanced production equipment and in September 2004 established a new factory: Che-hung achievements.