1. 鹰厦铁路
1. 福建南平太阳电缆股份有限公司,座落于名扬中外世界自然、文化双遗产地武夷山麓的福建省南平市,闽江、鹰厦铁路、外福铁路、横南铁路、京福高速公路横贯而过,交通十分便利。
Fujian Nanping Sun Cable Co., Ltd. located in China and the world famous natural, culturalúto Wuyishan Mountain in Fujian Nanping City, Minjiang, ú·outer rail fu, Wang Southern Railway, Beijing-Fuzhou Expressway and the Trans - However, transportation is very convenient.
2. 鹰厦铁路的翻译
2. 作为鹰厦铁路的主要站点,又与。。。
Regard accipitral mansion as the main site of railroad, with.
3. 区内铁路通过鹰厦铁路与全国铁路网联接。
In Haicang, the railways are linked to national railway network through Yingtan-Xiamen Railway.
4. 交通发达,距武夷山机场60公里,鹰厦铁路、316国道、205省道纵贯公司全境,北上南下运输十分便利。
Traffic developed, the airport 60 km away from Wuyishan, Yingxiatielu, 316 State Road, Highway 205 companies throughout the longitudinal north south transportation is very convenient.
5. 饭店始建于1957年3月鹰厦铁路开通之际,当时的接待对象为归国华侨及境外人士。1993年6月饭店新大楼落成并荣膺国家三星级旅游饭店。
Setting up in June 1993, the new mansion was awarded the national three-star hotel.
6. 那时还没有鹰厦铁路,我们人大代表团是从江西坐汽车进去的。
As the Yingtan-Xiamen Railway had not yet been built, the NPC delegation, with myself as a member, had to go from Jiangxi Province by car.
7. 海沧流量的领土主要道路(包括324国道,厦漳泉高速公里),铁路(鹰厦铁路,规划哈哈柳州铁路和铁路),港口的方法有三种。
Haicang outbound traffic of the territory of the main roads (including 324 National Road, ZHANG QUAN speed km), railways (鹰厦铁路, planning Ha Ha Liuzhou Railway and Railway), port in three ways.
8. 鹰厦铁路
8. 既有鹰厦铁路位于枢纽末端,即将建成的福厦、龙厦、厦深三条铁路在此接轨。
Yingtan-Xiamen railway that have already lain in the end of the terminal, and the following three railways, Fuzhou-Xiamen, Longyan-Xiamen, Xiamen-Shenzhen, will integrate here.