







鹿野苑 网络解释

1. 鹿野苑的近义词

1. Mrgadava:之后在鹿野苑(Mrgadava)被释尊教化,成为释尊成道后最初的弟子. 其次离垢尊者以下五人是耶舍长者与其朋友. 耶舍长者是中印度人,于释尊成道第一年出家,是弟子中年资最久的. 其次优楼频螺迦叶、迦耶迦叶、那提迦叶三人是兄弟.

2. Deer-Wilds Park:Danapati 檀越 * | Deer-Wilds Park 鹿野苑 = Deer Park * | defiling objects 尘 *

3. Mrigadava:Mricchakatika 小泥车434 | Mrigadava 鹿野苑234 | Muazzam, Prince 穆阿扎姆王子286

鹿野苑 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 噶玛贲措在圆满其印度朝圣之旅后(朝参了菩提迦耶、灵鹫山、鹿野苑、那烂陀大学等圣地),便和其余的十数位寺中僧众──包括当时年仅十三岁的明就仁波切──一同进入传统三年闭关。
    After a pilgrimage to some of the sacred sites of Buddhism in India including Bodh Gaya, Vulture Peak, Sarnath and Nalanda University, Lama Phuntsok entered this retreat with Mingyur Rinpoche who was only thirteen years old at the time with other monks from the monastery.

2. 当时,700位沙睹罗巴天神,在夜将尽时去拜访佛陀,他们明彻的身光照遍整个鹿野苑
    Then 700 devatas from the Satullapa retinue, in the far extreme of the night, their extreme radiance lighting up the entirety of Maddakucchi, went to the Blessed One.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 他们住在波罗奈国的鹿野苑
    They were staying at Isipatana, in Benares.

4. 鹿野苑是一个众所周知的网站佛教世界佛陀发表第一讲道那里。
    Sarnath was a site well known to the Buddhist world as the Buddha delivered his first sermon there.

5. 在波罗奈国的鹿野苑
    At the Deer Park, in Isipatana, near Benares.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. 从风格,光滑的肌肤建模类似于早期古普塔风格的佛像从鹿野苑
    Stylistically, the smooth modelling of the flesh is similar to the earlier Gupta-style Buddha images from Sarnath.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 最有名的孔雀支柱是他第一次在鹿野苑讲道,那里的佛了。
    The best-known Mauryan pillar is at Sarnath, where the Buddha gave his first sermon.

8. 鹿野苑

8. 佛陀成道后,从菩提伽耶足足走了两百里,到鹿野苑开始弘法,佛陀也在此教授佛法,他在这个讲台上教授了许多年,明晰阐述,自己所悟到的智慧。
    Sakyamuni taught from this very dais for many years, giving detail and embodiment to the wisdom he illuminated.

9. 鹿野苑

9. 五比丘觉得很失望,便离开他到鹿野苑去了。
    The five monks were disappointed and went to Isipatana, leaving him alone.

10. 鹿野苑的解释

10. 摘要以鹿野苑石刻博物馆与鲍姆舒伦韦格火葬场两个清水混凝土建筑为对象,比较了两者概念、空间、建造等方面的异同,并展开了探讨。
    This article compared two concrete architecture: luyeyuan stone sculpture art museum and Baumschulenweg crematorium, the author discussed the difference between them on concept, space, and construction.

11. 浅析敦煌艺术的鹿野苑中瑞像图
      The Paintings of The Auspicious Image In The Deer Park In The Country of V ā r ā? as ī in Dunhuang Art

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 我听说,有一次,世尊住在王舍城摩达屈阇的鹿野苑
      I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Rajagaha at the Maddakucchi Deer Reserve.