

麦饼[mài bǐng]

词典wheat cake锅饼;麦饼。

麦饼 汉英大词典

麦饼[mài bǐng]

wheat cake

麦饼 网络解释

1. bannock:司康饼又称英國茶餅、英國松餅,是一种比薄麦饼(Bannock)要厚的烤餅. 是英式下午茶常見的点心. 习惯抹上蜂蜜,果浆或奶油(夏天可以抹冰淇淋). 60737 司康饼原料

2. 麦饼的反义词

2. Wheat cake:14.捣锅底Fried glutinous cake | 15.麦饼Wheat cake | 16.麻糍Fried glutinous pudding

3. Maibing:14.捣锅底 Fried Glutinous Rice Ball | 15.麦饼 Maibing | 16.麻糍 Mazi

麦饼 双语例句

1. 麦饼的反义词

1. 约瑟夫仿佛是独自坐在一种极乐世界里,在一炉熊熊燃烧的火边;他旁边的桌子上有一杯麦酒,里面竖着大块的烤麦饼;他嘴里衔着他那黑而短的烟斗。
    Joseph seemed sitting in a sort of elysium alone, beside a roaring fire; a quart of ale on the table near him, bristling with large pieces of toasted oatcake; and his black, short pipe in his mouth.

2. 麦饼什么意思

2. 橱柜从未上过漆;它的整个构造任凭人去研究。只是有一处,被摆满了麦饼、牛羊腿和火腿之类的木架遮盖住了。
    The latter had never been underdrawn: its entire anatomy lay bare to an inquiring eye, except where a frame of wood laden with oatcakes and clusters of legs of beef, mutton, and ham, concealed it.