1. 有些人到外乡去定居,居然最怀念的是这里湿漉漉的黄梅天。
Some people leave here to settle down in another place, they will miss the rainy weather here.
2. 剧情从郁闷烦躁的黄梅天开始,至传来
From the depressing story of Huang agitated day, came to
3. 很庆幸自己生活在这个风调雨顺的鱼米之乡,虽然黄梅天让人讨厌,可是那样的日子总是短的,熬熬就到头了。
Fortunately, we live in this paradise like place, the weather is good here. Maybe the plum rain season is disagreeable, but it give us enough water.
4. danci.911cha.com
4. 走在路上,看到过往行人,感觉极为亲切,空气中一股潮湿的夏天味道,让我好想拥抱上海的黄梅天。
He brings the kittes tome everytime i go to bed before him.(even though i know he just wants to go back tohis computer game and leaves me along).