

黑灯瞎火[hēi dēng xiā huǒ]




黑灯瞎火 汉英大词典

黑灯瞎火[hēi dēng xiā huǒ]


[口] (形容黑暗没有灯光的情景) dark; obscure; unlighted

黑灯瞎火 双语例句

1. 他把你一个人丢在这种黑灯瞎火的地方
    He leaves you out here alone, in the dark, without a light.

2. 黑灯瞎火的翻译

2. 我的预计,如果今晚到,黑灯瞎火的海上也干不起来。我想顺利的话明早是有可能的。
    The seas are not as rough as they have been and they are proceeding with less difficulty.

3. 黑灯瞎火的我和谁约会去?
    Who am I gonna meet in a blackout?

4. 黑灯瞎火在线翻译

4. 在黑灯瞎火中,我一头撞到门上,成了这种眼青鼻肿的样子。
    I walked into a door in the dark and gave myself this black eye.

5. 黑灯瞎火的解释

5. 从家到校足有40里路,还有10多里山路,黑灯瞎火的,他是怎样走来的?
    It was a long distance between my home and school, during which there was 40 miles of normal road and more than 10 miles of uneven roads through mountains.

6. 工人还没有下班,黑灯瞎火的赶忙着。
    The workers were still busy working in the dark.

7. 黑灯瞎火的近义词

7. 他把女儿放到床上后,就黑灯瞎火地站着,还能听到她的呼吸。
    When he had put her to bed, he stood in the dark, hearing her breathing.

8. 黑灯瞎火的翻译

8. 他们经常潜伏在黑灯瞎火的小街上,对过路人行凶抢劫。
    They would lurk in the dark side streets and mug any passer-by.

9. 另外一些人则成群钻进一个黑灯瞎火的篷顶下去参加“黑暗中的对话”。
    Others trooped into a blacked-out tent to participate in a " dialogue in the dark ".

10. 黑灯瞎火的你在那儿干什么呢?
    What are you doing there in the dark?

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. 你黑灯瞎火的在干嘛呢?
      What are you doing sneaking around in the dark?

12. 此外,SureFireE2D战术防身手电可以让我不用在黑灯瞎火中爬22层楼梯(如果遇到不法之徒,还可以用来防身)。
      Meanwhile, my surefire E2d executive defender flashlight lit my way up 22 flights of stairs (and would have come in handy if I had run into unwanted company).

13. 黑灯瞎火的近义词

13. 另外一些人则成群钻进一个黑灯瞎火的篷顶下去参加“黑暗中的对话”。
      Others trooped into a blacked-out tent to participate in a " dialogue in the dark ".