1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 或者是人各一方,渐渐陷入苦命人的那种丧身亡命的凄凉的迷雾里,一经进入人类的悲惨行列,他们便和那些不幸的黔首一样,一个接一个地消失了。
Each in his own direction perhaps, and little by little buried themselves in that cold mist which engulfs solitary destinies; gloomy shades, into which disappear in succession so many unlucky heads, in the sombre march of the human race.
2. 秦统一后,六国故地和秦地一样成为郡县,六国遗民和秦人一样成为黔首;而罗马行省及其人民与罗马人民的地位则有很大差别。
The transformation from city states to empire was realized gradually during the formation and the development of the Jun-Xian system and the province system which in return played an important part in the perishment of citystates and building up empire.
3. 灾荒年月,饿死的黔首成千上万。
In these famine years, tens of thousands of common people starved to death.