1. 台上台下,鼓角齐鸣,杀声震天,令观众们掌声不绝。
On the stage there was a vivid fighting, and the audience applauded would like an earthquake.
2. 山下旌旗在望,山头鼓角相闻。
Above the hilltops sounds bugles and drums.
3. 鼓角在线翻译
3. 耳听得鼓角齐名,想必我们的军队已经开始进攻了。
Having heard the battle drums and horns, it is certain that our troops have started their attack.
4. 鼓角
4. 矿难发生地鼓角市距离山西省的省会太远有六十公里,当爆炸发生在凌晨2:17,此时共有436人正在地下作业。
At least 74 miners died and an uncertain number of others is still trapped underground - and feared dead.
5. 鼓角梅花添一部,五更欢笑拜新年。
Gu Jiao Plum Tim 1, just before dawn New Year's greeting laughter.
6. 鼓角的翻译
6. 陕西省煤矿资源丰富。矿难发生地鼓角市距离山西省的省会太远有六十公里,当爆炸发生在凌晨2:17,此时共有436人正在地下作业。
The blast occurred at 2:17 am while 436 employees of the Tunlan Coal Mine were at work underground in Gujiao city, 60 km west of Taiyuan, capital of the coal-rich province.
7. 鼓角
7. 那五更的鼓角,在寒风中呜咽;那三峡的星河,在乌云里潜藏。
Those ancient battle drums and horns marking the five watches of the night, whimpering in the winter wind; the Milky Way in the Three Gorges, going into hiding in the black clouds.
8. 若站在城墙上远眺、近看、畅想、回味眼前仿佛是金戈铁马,耳畔依稀是鼓角筝鸣。
If standing on the wall view of the past, the Imagination, as if pondering the present is part of the iron railings Ge, is vaguelygu jiao ear-ming Cheng.
9. 鼓角齐鸣划破夜空的人们。
People who rent the night with the sound of drums and trumpets.