

龙凤饼[lónɡ fènɡ bǐnɡ]


龙凤饼 双语例句

1. 该月饼由两个雕刻有龙凤呈祥的大饼和2008个构成奥运五环图案的小饼组成。
    It was made up of 2 big mooncakes carved with dragons and phoenix and 2008 small ones forming Olympic rings.

2. 龙凤饼是什么意思

2. 近些年来,揣骨町糕点店改变原产品油大发腻的缺点,在原料中加进水果汁制成酥、脆、果香、甜的新产品,将原名圪渣饼改名为龙凤酥,受到各地市场的欢迎。
    In recent years, the estimate changes in bone-cho, the original bakery products greasy hair oil the shortcomings of the raw materials made into crisp fruit, crisp, fruity, sweet new products, will be formerly known as Java圪Longfeng renamed crisp cake, been around the market.

3. 龙凤饼是什么意思

3. 其外皮色泽以红、白为主,但所用馅料及装饰不同:松饼色白,上嵌3个核桃仁,内为白糖馅,间有松子仁;玫瑰饼表皮色红,印有6朵玫瑰花瓣,馅以白糖、玫瑰花为主;太师饼表皮色白,沾有芝麻,内为豆沙馅;龙凤饼表皮色红,印有龙凤图案,馅以白糖、香蕉、玫瑰丝为主;山楂桃呈桃形,表皮上红下绿,馅以山楂为主。
    Their skin color to red, white-based, but with different fillings and decoration: muffin color white, the three walnut inlay, stuffing for white sugar, between pine nut kernels; Rose cake red skin color, printed on rose petals 6, filling in sugar, mainly roses; tai shi cake white skin color, stained with sesame, fordou sha xian; Longfeng cake red skin color, printed with dragon and phoenix patterns, filling in sugar, bananas, mainly silk roses; hawthorn Tao was peach, red under the skin on the Green, a Hawthorn-based stuffing.