



词典Longhua Temple Temple of Dragon's Glory龙华寺。

龙华寺 网络解释

1. 龙华寺

1. Longhua Temple:国际展览局 BIE International Bureau of Exhibitions | 龙华寺 Longhua Temple | 外滩 the Bund

2. 龙华寺是什么意思

2. Lunghwa Temple:Soochow Creek 苏州河 | Lunghwa Temple 龙华寺 | Tsungming 崇明

3. 龙华寺的翻译

3. Longhuasi:Linquansi 临泉寺 | Longhuasi 龙华寺 | Lun yue 论曰

4. 龙华寺是什么意思

4. Longhua Temple in Shanghai:Famen Temple in Shanxi 法门寺 | Longhua Temple in Shanghai 龙华寺 | Lingyin Temple in Jiangsu 灵隐寺

龙华寺 双语例句

1. 龙华寺的解释

1. 昨晚在龙华寺,约有一万多人,其中有一名华裔本杰明。
    Chinese-American Benjamin Lee was among the 10, 000 people at thetemple.

2. 另一方面,豫园和龙华寺展示优美的中国古代建筑。
    On the other hand, Yuyuan Garden and Longhua Temple display graceful ancient Chinese architecture.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 今天去龙华寺还个愿,为自己找到份工作,以虔诚的心,表示感谢。
    I went to Longhua Temple to thank the Buddha for his mercy that I found an office job.

4. 龙华寺的解释

4. 该市还陷入丰富多彩的节日几乎每个月都有这一年中,如令人印象深刻的贝尔惊人的中国除夕和庙会在农历3月在著名的龙华寺
    The city is also engulfed in colorful festivals almost every month of the year, such as the impressive bell-striking on Chinese New Year's Eve and temple fair in the Lunar March in the famous Longhua Temple.

5. 他们告诉我,这就是龙华寺的方丈,上明下旸大和尚。
    My first impression of him was a master who was dignified in appearance and had rosy cheeks.

6. 龙华寺的解释

6. 昨晚在龙华寺,约有一万多人,其中有一名华裔本杰明。
    Chinese-American Benjamin Lee was among the 10, 000 people at the temple.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 龙华塔,即为其中的一座,跟龙华寺同年建成,塔高41.21米,巍峨挺拔。
    The towering structure of the pagoda, standing more than 40 metres high, was completed in the same year as the temple.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 龙华寺殿宇齐整,宋代佛教禅宗的伽蓝七堂制保持原貌,并珍藏有唐、五代、明、清年间的经书、金印、佛像等。
    Many Buddhist scriptures, gold seals and statues from the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty are housed in a hall built in the Song Dynasty.

9. 龙华寺的意思

9. 龙华寺,要算是上海地区历史最久,规模最大,建筑最宏伟的名刹了。
    Longhua Temple is believed to be the oldest, largest and most magnificent temple in Shanghai.

10. 上海龙华寺与净土崇拜
    Shanghai Longhua Temple and Its Pure Land Worship

11. 山东古文化遗址之:龙华寺遗址
      The Historical Site of Longhua Temple