
ABU 基本解释
Asian Broadcast Union 亚洲广播联盟;
ABU 网络解释

1. 阿布扎比:海外媒体8月15日报道,继得到将迪拜铝业(Dubal)现有电解铝厂的年产Ltd.)与阿联酋Genera资产公司(GHC)签署框架协议,将在阿布扎比(Abu

2. 阿布:这一丘陵在季风(Monsoon)时期会变成茂盛的树林,如乌代布尔(Usdaipur)北方和北斋浦尔(Jaipur)等很多拉贾斯坦(Rajasthan)的王国都曾任这丘陵上. 并且,这里又是很多野生动物栖息地,阿布(Abu)山上还有拉贾斯坦州唯一的山上度假村.

3. 亚洲广播联盟:在主席台就座的有国家广电总局副局长张海涛先生、亚洲广播联盟(ABU)会长、日本广播协会(NHK)会长海老迟胜二先生以及国家广电总局科技司司长王效杰女士. 报告会在国家广电总局副总工程师杜百川的主持下进行.

4. 阿布 (阿拉丁养的猴子):Abu: 阿布 (阿拉丁养的猴子) | Aladdin: 阿拉丁 | Alice: 爱丽斯

5. abu:asia-pacific broad-casting union; 亚洲—太平洋广播联盟

6. abu:anhui blood union; 为了安徽热血联盟

7. abu:asian broadcasting union; 亚洲广播联盟(亚广联)

8. abu:automotive business unit; 微软汽车业务部门

ABU 单语例句

1. ABU的反义词

1. A Popular Resistance spokesman who goes by the name of Abu Saed vowed revenge.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Security authorities raided the west Beirut home of Ahmed Abu Adas, a Palestinian they said appeared in the video but fled during the day.

3. In an attempt to clean up its tarnished image, the White House said the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad will be torn down.

4. ABU什么意思

4. The United States faced international condemnation last year after photographs emerged showing American forces physically abusing and sexually humiliating Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib jail.

5. ABU在线翻译

5. The military is still sending detainees considered security risks to Abu Ghraib.

6. But the government said its forces repelled the assault and were in full control of the Abu Jabra oil field Monday.

7. A military jury on Thursday convicted an Army dog handler of using his animal to torment a prisoner at Abu Ghraib.

8. The statement said Abu Bara was taken into custody during a cordon and search operation in a neighborhood in northern Mosul.

9. ABU的解释

9. Abu Dhabi's biggest sovereign wealth fund has bought more than 10 percent of the Hyatt Hotels Corp shares floated by the iconic hotelier last month.

10. But she also gets a gig doing PR for a luxurious resort in Abu Dhabi, so naturally she invites her girlfriends along for the adventure.