
ACC 基本解释

abbr.Activated Calcium Carbonate活性碳酸钙

ACC 网络解释


1. 附件:点火时,时从附件(ACC)开始呢,还是从ON,我有时从ON开始打火发动不起来,非得从附件才行. 车子有问题吗?

2. 自动色度控制:16 自动色度控制(ACC)滤波器. 48 亮度控制电压输入. 17 旁路滤波兼直流反馈端. 49 绿色字符信号输入. 18 SECAM信号输入兼50/60Hz识别输出. 50 接地端. 19 接地端. 51 蓝色字符信号输入. 20 PAL/NTSC制信号输入.

3. 阿克拉:)从法兰克福 (FRA)飞往阿克拉 (ACC)的直飞航班法兰克福 (FRA) 阿克拉 (ACC)从法兰克福 (FRA)飞往阿克拉 (ACC)的转接航班法兰克福 (FRA) 阿克拉 (ACC)法兰克福 (FRA) 阿克拉 (ACC)法兰克福 (FRA) 阿克拉 (ACC)法兰克福 (FRA

4. 主動車距控制巡航系統:全新GX460配备了碰撞预警系统(PCS)、主动车距控制巡航系统(ACC)、主动循迹控制系统(A-TRC)、上坡辅助控制系统(HAC)、自动爬坡控制系统(Crawl Control)等多项主被动安全系统.

5. acc:salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma; 腺样囊性癌

6. acc:salivary adenoid cystic carcinomas; 涎腺腺样囊性癌

7. acc:automatic generator control; 自动发电控制

8. acc:acetyl-coa carboxylase; 乙酰辅酶a羧化酶

ACC 单语例句

1. Like ACC, communities around the world are developing innovative and practical responses to the growing HIV pandemic.

2. Since ACC is likely to be high in fresh fruit or vegetables, the assessment is not applicable to 53 NPB samples with fresh fruit or vegetable ingredients.

3. A driver can also try shutting off the engine or turning the key to the " ACC " position on the ignition.

4. China's development on cricket is linked to a large extent to the help from the ACC and the ICC.

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5. Liang also said support from the ACC has helped the sport come so far, so quickly.