
Alabama [ˌælə'bæmə]  [ˌælə'bæmə] 

Alabama 基本解释



Alabama 网络解释

1. 阿拉巴马州:管理范围: 阿拉巴马州(Alabama),佛罗里达州(Florida),乔治亚州(Georgia),以及路易斯安那州(Louisiana)、密西西比州(Mississippi)和田纳西州(Tennessee)的部分地区.

2. 阿拉巴马大学:在前几年和森林狼谈蹦了后就退役.当时他的那句不够奶粉钱成了人们的笑谈.斯普雷维尔(latrell sprewell) 位置:前锋-后卫 生日:9/08/70 高度:1.96M 体重:88.5kg 毕业学校: 阿拉巴马大学(Alabama) 92年毕业 斯普雷维尔刚加入NBA的时候司职得分后卫,

Alabama 单语例句

1. A new entrant at number three was Alabama Shakes with debut album " Boys & Girls ".

2. President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency for Alabama and ordered federal aid for the stricken state.

3. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the top Republican on the Judiciary panel.

4. Alabama的翻译

4. The federal lawsuit argues that the state law also expands the opportunities for Alabama police to push immigrants toward incarceration for various new immigration crimes.

5. Bush showing up for duty in Alabama in 1972, reading safety magazines and flight manuals in an office as he performed his weekend obligations.


6. Authorities were working yesterday to learn why a gunman set off on a rampage, killing 10 people across two rural Alabama counties.

7. Pirates hijacked the Maersk Alabama last April and took ship captain Richard Phillips hostage, holding him at gunpoint in a lifeboat for five days.

8. An Alabama property owner who has lost vast sums of rental income angrily confronted a BP executive at a town meeting.

9. Hicks said pirates had tried to board the ship two other times that week, but the Alabama had managed to outrun them.

10. Alabama employers also would now be required to check a federal database to determine if new workers are in the country legally.