
Alaska [əˈlæskə]  [əˈlæskə] 


Alaska 基本解释


Alaska 网络解释

1. 阿拉斯加州:1959 年美国最大的州-- 阿拉斯加州 ( Alaska) 建立了,而其中的 巴罗是 阿拉斯加州最大的爱斯基摩人社区. 传统的爱斯基摩生活、现代的石油科技,和大群的野生驯鹿在巴罗交织成独特的景象. 独特的地理位置形成了这里独特的文化,

2. 美国阿拉斯加:其大小与美国[阿拉斯加(Alaska)除外]相近 ,粗略等于东南亚所有国家领土面积之和,或者大约是中国领土面积的四分之三. 澳大利亚有1, 900万人口,每平方公里有2.5人. 与之相比,印度尼西亚的人口密度是每平方公里108人,泰国是每平方公里118人,

3. 美国 阿拉斯加州:这样大约在当地时间5多的时候,飞机降在了美国阿拉斯加州(ALASKA)的ANCHORAGE,杨先生妻子又问机组人员,从医院出来后怎么安排,机组人员说我们不会等你们了,不过放心吧,我们有人接你们,送你们去机场,乘另一个航班去中国.

Alaska 单语例句

1. Sarah Palin with one of her daughters posing with the caribou she shot in Alaska.

2. The US Defense Department hopes to begin construction on a command and testing center for the system in Alaska next spring.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. For two months the staff at the Alaska Zoo have been trying to coax the Maggie onto her exercise equipment will no success.

4. Hunters in the United States have shot wolves from helicopters in Alaska in an aerial predator control program there.

5. The Baked Alaska after being set aflame and covered in chocolate sauce.

6. Both Alaska and the country need additional supplies of domestic oil, they said.

7. A large earthquake rattled Alaska's seismically active Aleutian Islands, but there were no immediate reports of any damages or injuries.

8. Alaska是什么意思

8. It threatens to eclipse the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill off Alaska as the worst US ecological disaster.

9. The EIA said there have been no Alaska oil exports since 2004.

10. The area is unregulated air space - like most of Alaska - where pilots must follow visual flight rules.