
Algiers [ælˈdʒiəz]  [ælˈdʒɪrz] 

Algiers 基本解释


Algiers 网络解释

1. 阿尔及尔:迫使胡锦涛不得不取消该公司的精炼厂开工典礼. 另外,在海外的中资企业因为大量雇用中籍劳工及使用中国材料,引发当地政府及民众的愤怒. 在阿 尔及尔(Algiers),去年八月由于文化差异爆发当地居民与中籍劳工的大规模械斗.

2. 阿尔及利亚 阿尔及尔:大连,天津新港,青岛,黄埔,广东佛山,广东顺德容奇港,中山,珠海,福州,南京,重庆,温州,武汉,湛江,广西北海,汕头,南通,江门,防城)北非阿尔及利亚:阿尔及尔(Algiers)奥兰(Oran)斯克基达(Skikda)贝贾亚(Bejaia)突尼斯(Tunis)的价格,

3. "阿尔及利亚":运价类型: 整箱 1750 USD/ 20 大 连新元国际货运代理有限公司 市场部(经理):刘莎莎(小姐) 公司地址:大连市中山区长江路 25 号 602 室 邮编: 116001 联系电话: 0411-82625005运输航线: 大连阿尔及利亚( Algiers ) 运价类型: 整箱

4. 阿尔及耳:航行亚洲港口包括了上海、宁波、香港、深圳赤湾、雅加达、巴生港,经由马尔他连接摩洛哥、突尼西亚、阿尔及利亚与利比亚等港口,由赤湾至阿尔及利亚的阿尔及耳(ALGIERS)航程廿一天,上海港至利比亚的的波里(TRIPOLI)廿四天,

Algiers 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. A December attack near Algiers and targeting a bus carrying foreign employees of an affiliate of Halliburton killed an Algerian and a Lebanese citizen.

2. Wednesday's attack came the day after French President Nicolas Sarkozy visited Algiers.

3. Some experts and media are saying this may be what was behind Tuesday's brawls and tension in Algiers between Algerians and Chinese migrant workers.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Around 12 UN staff members in Algiers were missing after the explosions, said a spokesman who previously had said 10 UN staff were among the dead.

5. The UN offices are in the upscale Hydra neighborhood of Algiers, which houses many foreign embassies and has a substantial foreign population.

6. Clinton told people at an Algiers high school that state officials are committed to creating a comprehensive plan to help Louisiana residents.

7. " I saw things I'd never thought I'd see, " Clinton said later before a meeting with residents of the largely untouched Algiers neighborhood.

8. They would start running 48 hours before landfall from the downtown convention center and a stadium in Algiers.

9. CCTV Africa now has 14 bureaus across Africa, covering the continent from Johannesburg in the south to Algiers in the north.

10. The Chinese embassy in Algiers has adopted emergency measures soon after the explosions, said an official surnamed Jiang with the embassy.