
Andorra [æn'dɔ:rə]  [æn'dɔ:rə] 

Andorra 基本解释
Andorra 网络解释

1. 安道尔:A, 安道尔( Andorra)这个在法国和西班牙之间的小国没有签证需要. 可以认为是对中国因私护照持有者的免签国家. 可惜,因为这个袖珍小国家太小,没有国际机场,中国旅客需要从法国或西班牙入境. 虽然免签,可惜前往法西的申根签证还是有一点难度的.

2. 安多拉:头巾免费赠予在全西班牙最负盛名的安多拉(Andorra)地区雪场教练员,推荐给巴塞罗那地区的体育用品店、零 售商及终端. 消费者立即爱上了这个他们以前从未见到过的品牌. 很快,BUFF?风靡西班牙

3. 安道拉:不胜其数. 西班牙的领土几乎?滓帘壤??u(IberianPeninsula)5/6的大小,与葡萄牙(Portugal)和极小的安道拉(Andorra)共同分享此块土地,而英国则?子兄辈宦尥雍?{(Gibraltar)部分. 此外,它的领土还包括有两??群岛,

Andorra 单语例句

1. Although they lie second in qualifying Group E behind Croatia, they will be overtaken if Russia win their last two games against Israel and Andorra.

2. England could well change again for their qualifier against Andorra in Spain on March 28, when Cole returns from suspension.

3. Group opponents Russia can still qualify with Croatia if England lose and they beat Andorra in their match on Wednesday.

4. " Mac's Hell Aviv " said the Sunday Express, seeing Wednesday's match with Andorra in Barcelona as crucial to the manager's future.

5. The group leaders travel to Kazakhstan on Saturday with a home game against Andorra following on Wednesday.

6. Andorra的反义词

6. England was struggling to beat minnows Andorra and thousands of its frustrated supporters subjected McClaren to ferocious abuse as they called for him to quit.

7. Croatia hosts Russia, and Israel is at Andorra in Group E's other games.

8. Andorra是什么意思

8. England coach Steve McClaren will likely be looking for a new job if his team's doesn't get a big win at Andorra.

9. England play Kazakhstan at Wembley on Saturday after taking six points from their opening two qualifiers against Andorra and Croatia.

10. He should at least get a winning start against tiny Andorra in neutral Barcelona on Saturday.