
April [ˈeɪprəl]  [ˈeprəl] 



April 基本解释



April 网络解释

1. 四月:在<<深紫>>专辑中最引人注目的是<<四月>>(April),竟然长达12多分钟. 与其说是摇滚歌曲还不如说是4月协奏曲更为恰当,键盘手乔恩罗德(Jon Lord)及吉他手里奇布莱克莫尔的作曲与演奏能力在曲中发挥得淋漓尽致,

2. 四月之春:四月之春 (April)铃声免费将 四月之春 (April)铃声 下载到我的手机操作步骤03:恭喜您免费把四月之春 (April)铃声下载到手机05:铃声下载服务同时支持中国移动和中国联通手机,所有用户均可下载本站四月之春 (April)铃声.

3. 阿普里尔:使河口32km一带的海水混浊. 吃水4m深的轮船,可由河口上行482km. 沿岸人烟稀少,仅下游有少数居民点. 塞皮克河主要支流有:霍登(Horden)河、梅(May)河、阿普里尔(April)河、斯克鲁(Screw)河、尤埃特(Yuet)河以及凯拉姆(Keram)河等.

4. 艾谱莉:更多章节请到小说迷阅读对面是四个人,两个穿着骑士的盔甲,一男一女,装束差不多,上面还有金黄色的花纹,谢东文立刻就能知道他们两人的身份,应该就是教廷派来的. 名字分别是:阿杰而(Alger)和艾谱莉(April),谢东文看了一下阿杰而的属性.

5. april:a proliferation inducing ligand; 增殖诱导配体

April 词典解释

1. 四月
    April is the fourth month of the year in the Western calendar.

    e.g. The changes will be introduced in April...
    e.g. They were married on 7 April 1927 at Paddington Register Office.

April 单语例句

1. April的解释

1. He said the Renminbi business is developing healthily in Hong Kong, and by the end of April 38 banks in Hong Kong had opened Renminbi business.

2. A British business delegation led by Mandelson are scheduled to visit China at the end of April.

3. April

3. When she finally secured a business licence for her organization on April 18, her first thought was to offer psychological counselling to health workers.

4. Another manager from Citibank said it began RMB business last April and is busy preparing its debit card business at present.

5. The act was signed into US law in March, and China filed complaints to the WTO in on April 17.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. The company suspended the four in April 2010 as part of an internal investigation into its compliance with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

7. Rosberg's third position was the German's best showing since China in April and deprived Button of his first podium finish on home soil.

8. It was reported in April 2002 that Yu Ming Investments offered to buy Pacific at 1 Hong Kong cent per share.

9. April在线翻译

9. The offer came after Minmetals had attempted to buy up copper assets in Africa in April.

10. Since the row over Huangyan Island between China and the Philippines in April, the South China Sea has by and large remained peaceful and calm.