
Belgium ['beldʒəm]  ['beldʒəm] 

Belgium 基本解释


Belgium 网络解释

1. 欧洲 比利时:艾巢(LoveNest)品牌源自欧洲比利时(Belgium),地毯行业是比利时的传统行业,历史悠久. 传统的手工艺、欧式的风格是产品本身的特点,二千年的历史铸就了经典品质. 艾巢于二十世纪正式进入中国,它将比利时的文化艺术精髓带到了我们身边,

2. 比利时王国:比利时王国(Belgium)是现代化城市和商业核心中枢纽带的一部分. 她地处欧洲西北部,位于北海之滨,拥有一千万人口,是欧洲经济最繁荣的国家之一. Belgium位于西欧中心,与德国、荷兰、法国和卢森堡接壤. 全国分为三大地区(布鲁塞尔首都地区、瓦隆地区和弗兰德地区).

3. 比利時 比利時王國:拉--安哥拉共和国(ANGOLA)AR-阿根廷--阿根廷共和国(ARGENTINA)AT-奥地利--奥地利共和国(AUSTRIA)AU-澳大利亚--澳大利亚联邦(AUSTRALIA)BD-孟加拉--孟加拉人民共和国(BANGLADESH)BE-比利时--比利时王国(BELGIUM)BF-布基纳法索-

Belgium 单语例句

1. Meanwhile Belgium is issuing a special commemorative stamp to mark the centenary of its celebrated son.

2. Coca Cola in Belgium has bought dozens of Smart Trikes from Amazing Wheels for summer sales on the promenades along the North Sea.

3. Belgium's linguistic and cultural diversity can also be seen in the country's complex system of government.

4. Belgium

4. Its quick response to the violation of intellectual property rights earned the Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court the gratitude of the consulate general of Belgium.

5. As proved when during a 2008 Olympic match against Belgium one Chinese player kicked a Belgian in the crotch.

6. Belgium什么意思

6. Denmark and Belgium are relatively little affected by the current eurozone debt woes.


7. A petition was handed over to Belgium's Senate President Armand De Decker at the end of the demonstration.

8. The KBC Financial Products UK Limited is an investment company affiliated to the renowned KBC Bank of Belgium.

9. France and Belgium are pushing the European Union to allow for early disbursement of farmers'subsidies to keep them financially afloat during the summer.

10. Hainan Airlines last month launched the first direct air service linking China and Belgium.