
Bermuda [bə(:)ˈmju:də]  [bɚˈmjudə] 

Bermuda 基本解释


Bermuda 网络解释

1. 百慕大:超便携PC 与众不同的地方,在于它课本一样小巧的身材和液覆盖牙买加(Jamaica)以及周边的阿鲁巴(Aruba), 安提瓜(Antigua), 百慕大 (Bermuda),开曼(Carman islands)和巴巴多斯(Barbados) 等五个岛国.

2. 百慕达:易所百慕达 百慕达(Bermuda)股票交易所波扎那 波扎那(Botswana)股票交易所巴西 里约热内卢(Rio de Janeiro)股票交易所圣保罗(Sao Paolo)股票交易所智利 圣地亚哥(Santiago)股票交易所埃及 开罗及亚力山卓(Cairo and Alexandria)股票交易所迦纳 迦纳(Ghana)股票交易所印度 麦德林(Medellin)股票交易所班加罗尔(Bangalore)股票

3. 百慕大群岛:同时也出于避税以及便于股权操作的目的,较多采用以设立海外离岸公司(offshore company)方式进行风险投资操作,这些离岸公司一般注册在开曼(Cayman),英属维尔京群岛(BVI),百慕大群岛(Bermuda)等海外免税岛,由于这些地区一般属于英美普通法体系,

Bermuda 单语例句

1. The first round concluded yesterday with Bangladesh hoping to cement their place in the next round by avoiding defeat against Bermuda in Trinidad.

2. Bermuda是什么意思

2. " There seems to be an awful lot of damage, " said Ian Currie of the Bermuda Weather Service in Hamilton.

3. He tried to smoke on the steamer while returning from Bermuda, and only gave it up because he was too feeble to draw on his pipe.

4. Several US lawmakers introduced a bill Wednesday that seeks to bar US corporations from moving their headquarters to offshore tax havens such as Bermuda.

5. Bermuda police service spokesman Robin Simmons said the islands were battered by the hurricane's top winds for three to four hours.

6. His claim against Chinese state assets has been destroyed by the Supreme Court of Bermuda, a Chinese lawyer who closely follows the case said.

7. The event is being supported by the Bermuda Alliance for Tourism and will bring international dignitaries and artists to the Island.

8. Bermuda

8. Gome is registered in Bermuda and listed in Hong Kong and CSRC said it will offer assistance to the Hong Kong regulators if necessary.

9. " His claim against Chinese assets has been destroyed by the Supreme Court of Bermuda, " Xinhua quoted an anonymous Chinese lawyer as saying.


10. The only thing he absolutely cannot live without are his bermuda shorts.