
Bhutan [bu:'tɑ:n]  [bu:'tɑ:n] 

Bhutan 基本解释


Bhutan 网络解释


1. 不丹:(马裕祥) 不 丹(Bhutan) 亚洲南部内陆山国. 位于喜马拉雅山脉东段南坡,东、西、北三面与中国接壤,南邻印度,西南界锡金. 面积46000平方公里,人口166万. 80%居民为不丹族,余为尼泊尔族. 不丹族信奉喇嘛教噶举派(俗称白教) ,

2. 不丹 廷布 亚洲:Bermuda 百慕大 汉密尔顿 北美洲 BM | Bhutan 不丹 廷布 亚洲 BT | Bolivia 玻利维亚 苏克雷 南美洲 BO

3. 不丹 不丹:Bermuda 百慕大 百慕達 | Bhutan 不丹 不丹 | Bolivia 玻利维亚 玻利維亞

4. bhutan:bhu; 不丹

Bhutan 单语例句

1. The other two AAA members of Bhutan and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea failed to participate in the event.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. The Himalayan nation of Bhutan has banned the sale of tobacco outright.

3. Even the tiny mountain kingdom of Bhutan launched a December military campaign to oust rebels using their territory to attack troops in neighboring India.

4. Several journalists went to Bhutan hoping to score an exclusive on the wedding, and three of them were arrested by police after trying to enter the hotel.

5. The kingdom of Bhutan in the Himalayas is famous for measuring what it calls gross national happiness as an indicator of government performance.

6. Bhutan

6. Carina Lau and Tony Leung are seen at their wedding held on July 21, 2008 at the luxurious Uma Paro hotel in Bhutan.

7. Bhutan的反义词

7. Bhutan and Nepal are both situated at the southern slope of the Himalaya Mountains and are endowed with unique geographical features and rich cultural heritage.

8. For New Yorkers that will mean gridlocked traffic and a chance to spot the leader of Bhutan or Andorra at a local eatery.

9. The bizarre sightings have reportedly been made in the Garo hills area of Meghalaya state, close to the border with Bangladesh and Bhutan.

10. Bangladesh and Macao of China were thrilled about their first ever Asian Games gold while Bhutan is happy for just being there.