1. 婆罗门:「再比如,有一个婆罗门(brahmin)的年青人...,一个平民(vessa)的年青人...,一个奴隶(sudda)的年青人来应微战士,他不精练,不熟巧,又不学、无识、懦弱、顽滞、退怯、逃避,大王,你会选用他吗?
2. 波罗门:比丘尼 bhiksuni; nun | 波罗门 Brahmin | 波罗密多 aid to crossing over from this shore of births and deaths to the other shore
3. 婆罗门, 教养好的人:Brahmaputra || 雅鲁藏布江(发源于西藏) | Brahmin || 婆罗门, 教养好的人 | Brahminee || 女婆罗门
1. Brahmin是什么意思
1. 婆罗门(印度社会等级中的最高等级成员)
A Brahmin is a Hindu of the highest social rank.
1. But still some of the top bureaucrats in India hail from top class Brahmin families who seem to inherit the post as their natural right.