
Brunei [bru:naɪ]  [bru:'naɪ] 

Brunei 基本解释
Brunei 网络解释

1. 文莱:(徐成龙) 文 莱(Brunei) 亚洲东南部国家. 位于婆罗洲北部,北濒南海,其余3面皆与马来西亚的沙捞越为邻. 国土分东西两部分,相距约8公里. 面积5785平方公里,其中东部占15,西部占45. 海A A岸线长165公里. 人口26.1万.

2. 汶莱:国书法院、辽宁省一墨千宁书艺院新加坡:(SINGAPORE)狮城书法篆刻会、布莱德岭华族传统艺术中心欧洲:(EUROPE)欧洲书法联盟(英国、法国、瑞士等)意大利:(ITALY)斐墨学会美国:(USA)洛基山书法研究会汶莱:(BRUNEI)中华书法协会马来西

3. 文莱达鲁萨兰国:<<财经>>记者走访加里曼丹岛,实地感受在浩淼南海深处周边国家对于油气的激烈竞逐 2007年12月的一个午后,太阳刚刚西斜,位于文莱达鲁萨兰国(Brunei)西北部的小城马来奕市(Kuala Belait),笼罩在蒙蒙细雨之中.

4. 文 莱 文 莱 北加里曼丹:Bristol 布里斯托尔 英 国 西北欧 | Brunei 文 莱 文 莱 北加里曼丹 | Bruseels 布鲁塞尔 比利时 西北欧

5. brunei:bru; 汶莱

Brunei 单语例句

1. Wen said since China and Brunei established diplomatic ties 15 years ago, bilateral relations had progressed smoothly and bilateral cooperation in various fields had expanded continuously.

2. A memorandum of understanding covering energy cooperation between the two governments was among the documents signed at Brunei Palace.

3. Brunei的意思

3. Take a water taxi to and look around Kampong Ayer Water Village on the Brunei River.

4. His majesty responded to Hu's ideas warmly, saying Brunei is happy to work together with China to realize the goals.

5. Touch screens give visits an overview of Brunei's development since its establishment to the year 2035.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. The Sultan of Brunei reaped the first stalks of homegrown paddy on Aug 3 to show his support for local production.

7. According to a passenger list provided by the local, the victims include one person from Macao Special Administrative Region and one from Brunei.

8. His interest in polo was sparked while watching footage of Prince Charles playing a match with the Sultan of Brunei in 1996.

9. Hong Kong residents receiving interests from Brunei are subject to a withholding tax, which is currently at 15 percent.

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10. He became interested in polo after watching footage of Prince Charles playing a match with the Sultan of Brunei in 1996.