CAL [kæl]  [kæl] 

CAL 基本解释

abbr.Calculated Average Life 平均计算寿命

CAL 情景对话

Watch Games-(看比赛)

A:Here’s your hot dog and beer. What happened? Did I miss anything?

B:Yeah, Cal Ripken just hit a home run.

A:What’s the score?

B:Well it was 3 to 4, but Ripken’s home run made it 5 to 4 since another player was on first base.

A:So Baltimore is winning?


A:This is a really great place to watch a baseball game.

B:Yeah, there isn’t a bad seat in the place.

A:The fans are great here, too. Not like in Philadelphia.

B:It was a great idea to spend a day watching a game.

A:Yeah, it reminds you why they say baseball is America’s favorite pastime.

CAL 网络解释

1. 卡尔:<<优雅的音符>>(Grace Notes)是麦克.拉夫蒂自<<卡尔>>(cal)以后写的首部长篇小说,故事围绕他爱尔兰的身份和艺术展开. 凯瑟琳的新曲佳作需要新教徒在游行时打大鼓. 这个声音会很可怕,震耳欲聋像雷声,整个小镇顿时就被笼罩在黑压压的噪音下.

2. 计算机辅助学习:其它主要学术兼职见下表:全球华人计算机教育应用学会(GCICE)第一副主席国际计算机教育应用学会(ICCE)执行委员国际计算机教育促进会(AACE)亚太分会执行委员香港电脑教育学会( ACEHK )名誉会长全球华人计算机教育应用学会( GCSCE )执行委员会副主席基于网络的协商学习(CBCL)环境与学习模式,<<计算机与教育>>,1997

3. 日历:在时间(TME)模式或本地时间(L-TM)模式下,当因光动能电池受到遮挡、时间(TME)日历(CAL)闹铃(ALM)本地时间(L-TM)对准本地时间(L-TM)模式位置. 在本地时间(L-TM)模式下使用本表时,由於闹铃将会在与本地时间一致的时在闹铃模式(ALM)下,

4. cal:computer-assisted learning; 计算机辅助学习

5. cal:computer-assisted language teaching; 计算机辅助教学

6. cal:continuous annealing process line; 连续退火

7. cal:continuous annealing processing line; 连续退火机组

CAL 词典解释

1. 卡路里(热量单位)
    Cals are units of measurement for the energy value of food. Cal is an abbreviation for (缩略 =) 'calorie'.

    e.g. ...325 cals per serving.

CAL 单语例句

1. CAL的解释

1. Series writer Paul Abbott confirmed that Pitt would play the role of journalist Cal McCaffrey.

2. Staff union of CAL said it feared a name change would even cost the airline.

3. " I have been asked to perform after the Cal men's volleyball game later this month, " he noted.

4. Zhang says he does not want to come off the bench or be a cheerleader for Cal.

5. Stanford was No 4, followed by Cal Tech and the University of Pennsylvania tied for fifth.

6. Cal Fire now expects the fire to be fully contained on Sunday.

7. Authorities later found an identification card identifying her as Natalie Bowman, an identity she allegedly had stolen earlier and used to attend Cal State and Harvard.