
CS 基本解释


abbr.Cable Ship 电缆敷设船; 一种国内流行的枪战类游戏

CS 网络解释


1. 片选:其中,片选(CS)、读信号(RD)控制转换结果读取;启动转换(CONVST)控制启动转换过程;忙信号(BUSY)标志AD7482正处于转换过程. AD7482满额度工作时的转换时间(conversion time)为300 ns,其中,

2. 铯:(一)碱金属元素:元素周期表中IA族元素(除H外)称为碱金属,包括锂(Li)、钠(Na)、钾(K)、铷(Rb)、铯(Cs)、钫(Fr). 由于它们的氢氧化物(MOH)均易溶于水,呈强碱性,因而统称碱金属. 碱金属是典型的活泼金属,在自然界没有单质存在,

3. 芯片选择:AD7304的双缓冲串行数据接口利用数据输入(SDI)、时钟(CLK)和芯片选择(CS) 引脚,提供高速、三线式、SPI和微控制器兼容型输入. 通电时,内部上电复位功能使两款器件均处于零电平状态. 将AD7304上的SDI/SHDN引脚和AD7305上的A0/SHDN地址引脚设为三态,

4. cs:customers ′ satisfaction; 顾客满意度

5. cs:cybernetic system; 控制系统

6. cs:customers ’ satisfaction; 顾客满意

7. cs:circular saw; 颈椎病

CS 单语例句

1. William Fong is the General Manager of CS Surveyors, providing services to real estate developers.

2. Recently a new game called CS true man show has become popular among Beijing young white collars.

3. Imagine a concert where every singer shoots for high Cs every three minutes.

4. Some of them could work on Airbus 380, which will soon be delivered to CS.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. As long as it gets paid, the Shenzhen Consumer Goods Quality Promotion Association will issue the CS signs to anyone.

6. Wumart will place new shares to CS Investment, which owns Jiangsu Times.

7. Who would resist reading a novel of CS Forester, or PG Wodehouse?