Calidris canutus

Calidris canutus

Calidris canutus 双语例句

Calidris canutus

1. In this survey, 13 species shorebirds were observed; Calidris acuminata and Calidris alpina were dominant species. However, in 1984, the similar research had recorded 23 species with C. alpina, C. canutus and Calidris ruficollis being the dominant.

2. In April, 312 dead Red Knot Calidris canutus rufa were discovered by a park guard at Playa La Coronilla in southeastern Uruguay and the same day over 1, 000 birds were found dead at a second site nearby.
    四月,312只死亡的红腹滨鹬fura在乌拉圭东南部的Playa La Coronilla被公园的保安发现,同一天,另1,000只死亡的在附近的一个地方被发现。

3. Although the causes of the population crash are not yet fully understood, the dramatic decline is mainly attributed to the low availability of horseshoe crab eggs in Delaware Bay, USA, a key stopover site for Red Knot Calidris canutus rufa.
    种群数量剧烈下降的原因主要归咎为美国Delaware海湾horseshoe crab卵的匮乏,而该海湾是红腹滨鹬rufa亚种一个重要的中转站。