

Chibi 基本解释
Chibi 网络解释


1. 赤壁:近日,演员赵硕之(Wylie)为网上游戏赤壁(Chibi)当代言人,她饰演孙尚香(东吴大帝孙权的妹妹)这个角色. 昨晚偶尔读到一首大家早已耳熟能详的词,想到我曾在这里分享过一首也是献给硕之的诗,不过那太艰深了. 念奴娇.赤壁怀古 苏轼大江东去,

2. 政大财-管系:Cct-台湾大学-资讯工程系 | Chibi-政大财-管系 | dolphinshirley-明新科技大学

3. 奇勃里风:乞归风 chergui | 奇勃里风 chibi | 奇哩里风 chichile

Chibi 单语例句

1. Chibi在线翻译

1. It is located on Nanping mountaintop which is to the southeast of Chibi Mountain.

2. Chibi

2. On the stele, there are poems concerning Chibi War made by poets of successive dynasties.

3. There are two Chibi in Hubei Province, one is in Huanggang and the other is in Xianning.

4. Chibi

4. At present, the ancient battlefield still lays on the outskirts of the city of Chibi.