
Chile ['tʃɪlɪ]  ['tʃɪlɪ] 

Chile 基本解释

名词智利(南美洲西南部的一个国家,首都是圣地亚哥Santiago); 红番椒; 辣椒的一种; 辣椒酱

Chile 网络解释

1. 智利:搞得我不小心把智利,(Chile)说成辣椒了(Chili). 整句话成了:阿迪达斯在南美的四个重要市场是巴西阿根廷墨西哥和辣椒.

2. 美洲 智利:将主办2004年APEC领导人非正式首脑会议. 智还是太平洋经济合作理事会(PECC)和太平洋盆地经济理事会(PBEC)、不结盟运动、十五国集团、美洲国家组织及里约集团等组织的成员国. Re:南美洲--智利(Chile)Re:南美洲--智利(Chile)Re:南美洲--智利(Chile)

3. 智利共和国:ru) 玻利维亚共和国(Bolivia) 南美南部国家: 智利共和国(Chile) 巴拉圭共和国(Paraguay) 阿根廷共和国(Argentina/Argentine) 乌拉圭东岸共和国(Uruagay) 此外南美北部还有一块法国的海外领地:法属圭亚那(Guyane franç

4. 南美洲 智利:越过低矮的山峦,顺着南美洲智利 (Chile)南部几英里河域放眼望去,一片美丽中很难想像这里真正发生的事. 但是在这条渔网洒满河岸的河流里,鲑鱼正面临死亡的命运. 业界官方人士表示,智利当前的问题越来越严重,

Chile 单语例句

1. They lead Group B with six points, followed by Brazil and Chile on three.

2. Chile's defense minister has said the navy made a mistake by not immediately activating a tsunami warning.

3. China gets natural resources necessary for its development, while Chile imports manufactured and capital goods.

4. Chile的翻译

4. SANTIAGO - Chile and China started their sixth round of talks on cooperation in the service trade Tuesday in the Chilean capital of Santiago.

5. Chile在线翻译

5. Chile and China started their sixth round of talks on cooperation in the service trade Tuesday in the Chilean capital of Santiago.


6. Chile is the latest country to report a case, bringing the total number of nations confirming infections to 40.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. So far, 75 per cent of Chile's foreign trades has been covered by various free trade pacts.

8. Thousands of students marched through the streets on Thursday to demand that Chile's government change the public state education system.

9. Chile的近义词

9. Last year, trade between Chile and China reached $ 30 billion.

10. Chile在线翻译

10. Chile have suffered an extraordinarily bad run against the Brazilians in the last five years, losing seven matches in a row and conceding 26 goals in the process.