
Chittagong [ˈtʃitəɡɔŋ]  [ˈtʃɪtəˌɡɔŋ, -ˌɡɑŋ] 

Chittagong 基本解释



Chittagong 网络解释


1. 吉大港:孟加拉湾风暴BIJLI的中心今天上午8时(北京时间)位于孟加拉国(Bangladesh)吉大港(Chittagong)西南方大约480公里的海面上,就是北纬19.9度,东经87.8度,中心附近最大风力有9级(23米/秒).

2. 孟加拉 吉大港:」(译者:杨超寰)全国劳工委员会表示,孟加拉吉大港(Chittagong)的18岁成衣厂女工艾卡特(Fatema Akter),去年12月在工厂值班时累死. 马来西亚刑事调查局长巴克里(Mohamad BakriMohamad Zinin)表示,罪犯应从事社区服务,

3. 吉大:中国同孟加拉也有很强的军事关系,据说达卡(Dhaka)政府允许中国进入吉大(Chittagong)港. 这一战略在博思管理顾问公司(Booz Allen Hamilton)给五角大楼的一份题为<<亚洲未来能源>>(Energy Futures in Asia)的报告中有述.

4. 吉大港市:市(Dhaka)和吉大港市(Chittagong)均有直属的分支机构.从事中国-孟加拉的贸易超过10年,熟悉孟加拉的政策及其变化,对处理孟加拉信用证和PSI检验(BV)等特别的外贸方式有着丰富的经验.已成功帮助多家中国企业达成与孟加拉商人的贸易,

Chittagong 单语例句

1. Bangladeshi rescue workers recover the body of a child after a landslide in Chittagong, yesterday.

2. Flights between Dhaka and Chittagong have been suspended, aviation officials said.

3. Most deaths in Chittagong occurred in a shantytown where chunks of earth slid off soaked hillsides Monday and buried dozens of crudely built shacks.

4. He said the truck were carrying some day labors and construction materials from southeastern port city of Chittagong to northwestern Bogra district town.

5. The strikes have halted transport and business over a wide area, shut schools and disrupted the country's main port in Chittagong.

6. Some 70 others were admitted to hospitals with injuries while nearly 100 more are missing, rescuers and Chittagong district officials said.

7. Some of the railway tracks between Chittagong and the capital Dhaka were also under water, although trains were still running with caution.

8. Authorities opened fire and used tear gas after thousands of workers attacked factories and smashed vehicles at the Chittagong Export Processing Zone.

9. Sources were quoted by UNB as saying the bus rolled down the road, while returning to Chittagong carrying around 45 picnickers.

10. The issue of building a deep seaport in Chittagong had been mooted in our PM's recent visit to Beijing.