Christian name

Christian name [ˈkristʃən neim]  [ˈkrɪstʃən nem] 


第三人称复数:Christian names

Christian name 基本解释
Christian name 网络解释

Christian name的翻译

1. 受洗时所取的名字:Christian Democrat 基督教党员 | Christian name 受洗时所取的名字 | Christian Science 基督教科学派

2. (名字):cheque(支票) check | Christian name(名字) given name | choosy(好挑剔的) picky

Christian name 单语例句

1. But Christian Dior's first male model certainly has the name recognition and rock star persona to draw more attention to the game stateside.

2. Her name comes from the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale of a woman the size of a thumb.

3. The bronze statue was created by Danish sculptor Edvard Eriksen according to Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen's fairytale that bears the name.

4. The name Mariamene is rare, and in some early Christian texts it is believed to refer to Mary Magdalene.

5. The hanging of the name plates indicates the building's return to the Christian community.