1. 基督教义:但是儒教是一个高度道德伦理教育性的宗教,坚持报本(敬天)、崇德、追孝,与基督教义(Christianity)在这方面一致;但基督教义讲得更透彻. 敬天在中国只有君王可行. 现在我们知道宇宙唯一的真神是耶和华,就是中国人所说的天. 而敬畏耶和华是人人应该行的.
1. 基督教
Christianity is a religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the belief that he was the son of God.
e.g. He converted to Christianity that day.
1. The West is unified by the cultural tradition of the Roman Empire and Christianity.
2. During the Byzantine period, it used to be Christianity's largest church.
3. Carol Zaleski of Smith College noted in First Things magazine that''accounts of divine darkness''occur from Christianity's early centuries.
4. Certainly it is true that the festival we largely celebrate has its roots in Christianity, although some elements trace back further.
5. America is practicing a false version of Christianity and paying a lip service to Christ.
6. Ye converted to Christianity and became a member of the Fuzhou Young Men's Christian Association.
7. Meeting participants approved a resolution yesterday urging Christians in China to oppose cults, particularly those that operate under the cloak of Christianity.
8. The four people were arrested in the eastern city of Benghazi on Tuesday and are under investigation for printing and distributing books that promote Christianity.
9. She abused drugs for a long time before pledging to quit the habit when she came to rehab and accepted Christianity.
10. But as Christianity spread they were alarmed by the continuing celebration of pagan customs and Saturnalia among their converts.