Company Limited

Company Limited

Company Limited 基本解释

Company Limited的解释


Company Limited 单语例句

1. It is a limited liabilities company with a registered capital of 224 million yuan.

2. Company Limited

2. The company's power business is relatively limited and it has sufficient cash in hand.

3. Company Limited的反义词

3. Guangzhou Run Feng Chemical Limited is a leading company in China in its sector.

4. SITIC Commercial Property Limited is a real estate company SITIC established to support Wal Mart's fast expansion in China.

5. Its CCTV sponsorship is expected to help the company build its image on a limited budget.

6. Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Company Limited is principally engaged in the production, transportation and sale of coal.

7. New Hong Kong Tunnel Company Limited did not return phone calls seeking comment before press time.

8. CNPC is one of China's three oil giants and parent company of PetroChina Company Limited.

9. PetroChina injected some of its natural gas assets into Kunlun in 2010, which in turn established the PetroChina Tianjin Natural Gas Pipeline Company Limited.

10. The author is chairman of the Hip Shing Hong Group of Companies and managing director of the Kam Wah Investment Company Limited.