Con Son

Con Son

Con Son 双语例句


1. Wang Shuo, the son of a military officer, was a teenage delinquent who went on to become one of the hottest writers of the 1980s, a flippant portrayer of a Beijing populated by two-timing drifters, amoral con men and victimized women.

2. En Occidente, los platos no son muchos. La comida comienza con un plato frío, luego viene la sopa.

Con Son在线翻译

3. To make ends meet, he takes on private detective jobs helping an old lady who's fallen victim to a con artist; rescuing a young girl who's being tricked into white slavery; helping a mother whose son has been kidnapped by the boy's father...

Con Son 单语例句

1. Con Son是什么意思

1. Miao's father arrived and explained that his son had met a con man, who swindled him out of all his savings before the lunar new year.