
Confucian [kənˈfju:ʃən]  [kən'fju:ʃən] 

Confucian 基本解释



Confucian 网络解释


1. 儒教:游戏里面一共有4种宗教,它们分别是先祖(Ancestral)、道教(Daoism)、佛教(Buddhism)和儒教(Confucian). 每种宗教供奉3位神仙,你每个月都可以对其中任何一位神仙进行祭祀. 如果想让神仙下凡的话,必须进行祭祀使他们的态度上升到快乐或得意(幸福时也有一定几率会下凡),

2. 儒者:中文摘要 在近现代研究中,乾嘉学人的总体治学风格,呈现了一种由儒者(Confucian)向学者(scholar)的转向. 面对传统的古典精神、当世功令的官方理学、蔚然新兴的朴学考据思潮等面貌殊异的学术思想时,乾嘉学人如何抉择他们的个人信仰?

3. 儒家学者:confrontationist 主张对抗的 | Confucian 儒家学者 | Confucianism 孔教

Confucian 单语例句

1. The CPC has considered good governance by means of law and virtue, which combines the Confucian and the Legalist approaches.

2. A research centre on the development of Confucian theories and their modern significance in southern China was opened yesterday in the city.


3. Though it may be simplistic it can be argued that the Confucian adherence to the family unit brings wider benefits to the society.

4. " I am not an expert in Confucian studies, " Yu admitted.


5. And while core Confucian traditions like filial piety may appear moribund in the modern day, hutong life reveals just the opposite.

6. I guess they were only writing about their own image of a college professor, or what a Confucian scholar of the Song or Ming dynasty was like.

7. Confucian

7. Confucian overemphasis on filial piety and respect for authority was criticized during the May 4 Movement in 1919 as hampering social progress.

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8. Koreans have traditionally cherished Confucian beliefs that their bodies are inherited from ancestors and never are to be tampered with.

9. Those heroines and heroes contributed much more significantly to the nation's cultural tradition than those who just furnished footnotes to the Confucian classics.

10. Visitors and residents intent on doing that should put the White Cloud and Confucian temples at the top of their list of places to visit.