
Copernicus [kəuˈpə:nikəs]  [koˈpɚnəkəs, kə-] 

Copernicus 基本解释

名词哥白尼(Nicolaus 1473-1543,波兰天文学家,现代天文学创始人)

Copernicus 网络解释


1. 哥白尼(波兰天文学家):heaven n.(常用复数)天;天空; (常作H-)天国;上帝 | Copernicus 哥白尼(波兰天文学家) | the other way around 相反地;从相反方向; 用相反方式

2. <哥白尼>卫星:coplanar orbits 共面轨道 | Copernicus <哥白尼>卫星 | coprocessor 协处理器

3. 哥白尼;哥白尼天文卫星:Copernican system 哥白尼体系 | Copernicus 哥白尼;哥白尼天文卫星 | coplanarity of orbits 轨道共面性

Copernicus 单语例句

1. Copernicus什么意思

1. He said thinking of space in those terms amounts to revolution comparable to Copernicus's proof of a solar system that orbited the sun.

2. Saint Johns'Cathedral was the parish church where Copernicus was baptized.

3. Traditionally math and science have not enjoyed high esteem in Poland, but the Copernicus Science Center draws crowds.


4. Across the street, the municipal school where Copernicus was once a student is still preserved.

5. He is hoping that the Copernicus Center can at least inspire people to embrace science and math.

6. Copernicus

6. There are also the Planetarium for exhibition of Copernicus astronomical works and the Nicholas Copernicus University.

7. The Copernicus Centre contains 350 exhibits, all aimed at bringing science to life.

8. It was first created in a German lab in 1996 and named for the astronomer Copernicus.