DOC [dɒk]  [dɑ:k] 

DOC 基本解释



DOC 网络解释


1. 文件类型:商务礼仪:个人礼仪的内涵商务礼仪:个人礼仪的内涵 文件类型: (DOC) 资料大小: 470kb 资料等级: 资料价格: 免费 上传时间: 2009-10-23 浏览

2. 文档文件:改变界面主题可以使您的机器有焕然ZLauncher后,点击PalmOS格式文档文件(Doc)即可直接阅读). 可使用手机短信(SMS)发送你的位置发送和接收到的手机短信(SMS)的历史记录提供每日能量总消耗量(TDEE)概要查阅,在一个时期的计划内每日饮食卡路里摄入量

3. 直接运营成本:在航班的直接运营成本(DOC)中,燃油消耗占相当一部分,越是高效管理的航空公司,燃油的成本越显得重要. 因此,必然对发动机的燃油消耗率提出越来越高的要求,也就是说要求不断地降低发动机的燃油消耗率.

4. 优质法定产区:的 优质法定产区 (DOC)葡萄酒奖 2001年法国巴黎高品质金奖New Millennium Award 2002年德国柏林最佳干红奖 2002年德国柏林LOGENHAUS最好的葡萄酒评比第一名 2002年德国Biofach国际葡萄酒比赛金奖 2003年西班牙马德里葡萄酒比赛金奖 2004年德国Biofach 2002推荐产品 2006年西班牙马德里葡萄酒赛金奖 2007年西班牙马德里葡萄酒

5. doc:distributed objects computing; 分布式对象计算

6. doc:the double-object construction; 双宾语结构

7. doc:distributed object computing; 分布式计算

8. doc:digital opportunity center; 个数位机会中心

DOC 词典解释

1. 医生
    Some people call a doctor doc .

DOC 单语例句

1. DOC的解释

1. The DOC will decide whether to start the probe process on April 19, while the USITC will hold a hearing on the initial damages related to the case.

2. DOC dismissed the dumping complaint against a Malaysian television set exporter while it gave the positive ruling on Chinese companies.

3. The guidelines include some principles that offer directions for implementing the DOC and map out procedural rules for cooperation in the future.

4. Wang expected the DOC to change its idea after the Chinese companies put forth their argument during a hearing in early March.

5. DOC什么意思

5. The measure also hinted at the bloc's willingness to maintain close cooperation with China and reject any inappropriate moves against the DOC.

6. The DOC said in its memorandum that they do not have the resources to investigate all 12 companies who responded to the case.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Nash had 15 assists in the first half to match the NBA playoff record set by Johnson and equaled by Doc Rivers.

8. But China has also shown its sincerity to conduct multilateral talks, such as those that resulted in the signing of the DOC in 2002.

9. A tour guide reported the stranded pilot whales to the DOC on Monday evening by a tour guide.

10. The DOC was signed in November 2002 as a code of conduct for all parties involved in diplomatic issues in the South China Sea.